Wenatchee Wind Machines Featured by Capital Press
Chamberlin is proud to be partners with, as the headline reads, the "daring men of orchard wind machines," and also the regional dealer...
2016 Chamberlin Grower Meeting
You’re invited to our annual grower meeting in Wenatchee! The meeting will be held on Tuesday February 2nd, from 8am-noon, at the...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
A little holiday fun with the Tow and Blow portable wind machines while enjoying a white Christmas in the Northwest. May 2016 bring you...

New Uses for Portable Wind Machines
We continue to find new and beneficial uses for Tow and Blow portable wind machines--including cooling at outdoor events. Here are some...
NEWSWEEK: GMO Scientists Could Save the World From Hunger, If We Let Them
Good to see mainstream media pointing to the 'scientific consensus for the safety of GMOs.' Read the article HERE.
Del Vanderhoff Speaks about the Growth of Technology in Ag
Chamberlin CEO, Del Vanderhoff, was a panelist at the AGx Conference, an ApRecs sponsored event held in conjunction with the Washington...

Grand Opening and Grower Appreciation BBQ
We appreciate your business! Chamberlin is hosting a Grand Opening and Grower Appreciation BBQ: When: Friday, May 22nd at 11:00am Where:...
Good Fruit Grower Highlights Tow and Blow Portable Wind Machines
Read about our Tow and Blow portable wind machines, which are highlighted in the "Good Stuff" section of this month's Good Fruit Grower...
Tow and Blow Featured in American/Western Fruit Grower Magazine
Our Tow and Blow portable wind machines are featured in the latest issue of American/Western Fruit Grower Magazine as a "new tool for...

Critical Temperatures for Frost Damage
With the early onset of Spring, it's time to carefully monitor the weather to protect your crops from frost damage. Below are the links...